D 2020 | 97 Min. | DCP | DF New German Films Integrationspreis der Insel Norderney
When Saher fled Syria in 2015, he was sure he would be able to bring his family to Germany very quickly. But then family reunification was suspended and a long period of waiting began. After four years finally the good news: Saher‘s family will be arriving soon! The joy is great, but so are the worries: what will happen when Saher meets his family, who have had to live without him for so long and have experienced four more years of war.
Director: Hille Norden
Script: Hille Norden
Photographer: Hille Norden
Editor: Mohamad Almousilly
Music: Christian Krauss
Cast: Protagonisten/Protagonists: Saher, Lubna, Melad, Zeen, Insa Norden
Producer: Hille Norden
Hille Norden
HILLE NORDEN (* 1998) ist eine Kieler Filmemacherin, Poetry-Slammerin und Schauspielerin. 2016 schrieb und produzierte sie ihren ersten Kinofilm „Jola“. 2019 gab sie mit dem Dokumentarfilm „Khello Brüder“ ihr Regiedebüt. Aktuell arbeitet sie an drei neuen Filmprojekten.
Filmography: Heimat sucht Seele (2020), Mien leevsten Wulf (2020, Kurzfilm), Euphorische Jahre (2019, Kurzfilm), Khello Brüder (2017)