11. - 18.06.25           De

nordmedia ON THE ROAD

Co-Producing with the Netherlands at the 32nd International Filmfest Emden-Norderney (June 9th 2022)

You have a promising project for a Dutch/German co-production and are looking for international partners? Pitch your project at the nordmedia ON THE ROAD event at the International Filmfest Emden-Norderney to a selected group of Dutch and German producers, nordmedia, Lower Saxony and Bremen’s regional fund, and the Netherlands Film Fund.

The co-production meeting nordmedia ON THE ROAD aims at fostering collaborations between the Netherlands and nordmedia´s funding region Lower Saxony/Bremen to create transnational co-productions. After the pitching sessions there will be the opportunity to connect with the other participants for creative and financial discussions.

The application deadline is March 30th 2022. For further information about the event and the application process please have a look at the website of nordmedia.

Published: 07.03.22