BGR/F/F 2018 | 96 Min. | DCP | OmU World Cinema
Nanouk and Sedna live following the traditions of their ancestors. Alone in the wilderness, they look like the last people on earth. Their traditional way of life starts changing – slowly, but inevitably. Hunting becomes more and more difficult. Chena, who visits them regularly, is their only connection to the outside world – and to their daughter Ága, who has left the icy tundra a long time ago...
Director: Milko Lazarov
Script: Milko Lazarov, Simeon Ventsislavov
Photographer: Kaloyan Bozhilov
Editor: Veselka Kiryakova
Music: Penka Kouneva
Cast: Mikhail Aprosimov, Feodosia Ivanova, Galina Tikhonova, Sergei Egorov, Afanasiy Kylaev
Production company: Red Carpet in Co-Produktion mit 42film, Arizona Productions, BNT, ZDF/arte
Producer: Veselka Kiryakova, Eike Goreczka, Christoph Kukula, Guillaume de Seille, Sardana Savvina, Lyubov Borisova
Distributor: Neue Visionen Filmverleih
Milko Lazarov
MILKO LAZAROV wurde 1967 geboren und studierte an der Nationalen Akademie für Theater- und Filmkunst Krastjo Sarafow in der Klasse von Vladislav Ikonomov. Er arbeitete dort später selbst als Dozent in der Filmabteilung. Sein Debütfilm „Alienation“ feierte seine Premiere bei den Giornate degli Autori in Venedig.
Filmography: Nanouk (2018), Alienation (2013), One Hundred Years of Solitude (2009, Dokumentarfilm), Hristo Botev (2007, Dokumentarfilm), Erlkoenig (2001, Kurzfilm), Roundabout (2000, Kurzfilm)